
“Who TF Did I Marry” 🤯 – The Lesson

If you don’t already know, “Who TF Did I Marry” — is a detailed chronological account of Teresa McCoy’s marriage to and subsequent split from a man whose entire life, it appears, is a lie. Episodes Intro-32. Episodes 33-50/Finale. A good recap article.

Anybody who knows me knows I love two types of reality shows, relationship based (i.e., Showtime’s Couples Therapy) and competition (i.e., Amazing Race, Survivor, MTV’s The Challenge). There’s always much to learn from them with seeing people working on healing and growing and pushing themselves beyond their perceived limits, and then they are entertaining. And I love the art of good backstory storytelling of documentaries. This was like binging an actual reality show series or even a documentary. I only wished she’d had a deal with one of the big streaming services. She deserves the bag. Just when you think there couldn’t possibly be anything else there is so much more till the very end. With everything that went on I thought for sure it was going to end with her telling us he died from whatever illness he had. Her storytelling (the cliffhangers) is perfection in terms of how she recounted everything with already knowing the outcome. I hope she can truly get some peace after the release. Her sense of humor will continue be her saving grace.

I don’t have TikTok so I watched on YouTube. What happened when she came on in Part 44 when she says I know, I saw it but I’m going to continue? Were there comments or something? UPDATE: It’s when she found out the Internet Detectives found her ex-husband.

The faking the phone calls E.VERY.DAY… The lying about the grandmother and daughter dying from Covid with the emotional breakdown… And lying about the baby to “the aunt,” I think is what took me out.

Different family members said he started lying as a child. I want to know what happened to start him down this path.

The gut punch and the lesson in all this is when she said God gave her all of the signs to include when the TIRE BLEW OUT! HELLO!!! Let that sink in. There’s always a first warning sign that we overlook. My thoughts are God will whisper and whisper and whisper till at some point the unfortunate and massively painful situation will happen to get your attention. Oh you’re not listening, so now… I call it “The Thunder.” I’ve been in relationships where I ignored the red flags and subsequently experienced “The Thunder.” And this is why there is absolutely no judgment on my part. This is between herself, God, and her therapist to process and deal with how she got there, stayed as long as she did, and for it to never happen again. This is what we all should do. I have in many many many different layers over many decades. I owed it to myself (and still do) to get to the bottom of my repeating the unhealthy patterns and sometimes that doesn’t happen overnight. I also realized that when I allow the ego to think I can control or change someone or something that is out of my hands and not my ministry it inevitably leads to self-betrayal, which is the worst form of heartbreak. And what matters and is necessary through healing and getting to “the root” of it all is to build back up ones own self-love, self-respect, confidence, trust (self and others), and peace of mind.

On another note, if BMW hasn’t gifted her that pretty dark blue with cognac interior X5 I don’t know what they are waiting for. She is deserving of luxuriating in that vehicle and so much more including a London/Paris trip. Shoot, with the number of times she mentioned that SUV, I want one now.

When a series of traumatizing events occur (or even if that’s not the case) one may begin to feel that they are not deserving of the beautiful desires of their heart. Don’t go there! She, he, me, they, we, YOU, are deserving of luxuriating in all the beautiful and wonderful and loving things in this world. It’s what grace, faith, hope, dreaming, believing, redemption, resurrection, and forgiveness are all about. Don’t let anyone tell you different. God bless her, me, and YOU! Amen! #BeDoLove #WhoTFDidIMarry #BMW

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When You’re Gifted with Purpose – Christmas Day 3rd Anniversary of Pop Passing

Me and Pop! I loved how he adored me. 😍

On this Christmas Day 2023, let’s toast and celebrate Pop (6/16/29-12/25/20) on the 3rd anniversary of his passing. As I look at the above picture, I miss Pop so so much, especially how he adored me. I’m also reminded of how he loved to share about moments in his life, which became more frequent when he entered the hospital in 2019 and until he passed. Some shares were quite revealing, some touching, many cleverly witty, some heartbreaking, and of course there were numerous that were educational as a result of his extensive knowledge.

With a tone of wonder, mixed with being perplexed and amused, Pop shared “Something happened when I was in the hospital. I use to be quiet. But, now I talk a lot.” He was right. Growing up my father was oftentimes a quiet man. I noticed that as he got older he talked more. Seemingly craving and being intentional about creating meaningful connections. The 2019 hospital stay before coming to live with me, especially after his two surgeries did something. And I too took notice wondering if a side effect of anesthesia is “prone to talk more.”

One of Pop’s shares during my caregiving time was very touching and revealing. He said that my going to college gave him life. His exact words were, “It saved my life.” WOW! My attending Howard University was not only my gift. But it was also a gift for Pop because his putting me through college gave him purpose. Imagine how I felt upon hearing that. My immediate reaction was feeling somewhat heartbroken for Pop as those years were at a time in his life where he was questioning his life as a man and his role as a father. However, my feelings of heartbreak quickly made room for gratitude and the understanding of God’s grace. It was a time of rebirth and redemption for Pop.

The interesting thing is, Pop came to live with me at a point in my life where I too was seeking more. Questioning my life of independence. Desiring purpose. Wanting to know that I matter. So while the caregiving journey was rough, my divinely ordered assignment to care for my father blessed me in beautiful and profound ways. With knowing he would be leaving us soon and time was precious, I was able to selflessly tap into places in my being that I didn’t know existed. Pop was now gifting me with purpose. Talk about the gift of paying it forward.

The Christmas just before Pop passed, he had what felt like a random request. He always sent Christmas cards but he wanted a special card made. Voila! This was so much fun creating. His last Christmas card, which was a gift to many.

The thing is, you never know in what ways big or small you can be a blessing to another. You think your purpose may be tied to you being the giver. But oftentimes you may be unconsciously blocking the blessings by rejecting receiving. Someone’s purpose or feeling of mattering may require you to set your pride and/or independence aside with being a vulnerable yes. In turn, giving another purpose and restoring hope and love for them.

And if you’re the purpose seeker, be gentle with yourself. Your purpose may not look like another or be tied to some grandiose gesture or an act of saving the world. Trust in that you will be directed. So be open to receiving the message and ready to move on it. It could be tied to just a moment or second in time. An act of kindness. A hello, a call, an errand, or spending time with the person feeling invisible. A heartfelt embrace. Listening intently. Saying I love you. Don’t take those fleeting moments or your existence for granted. You matter. You just may be the gift a loved one or even a stranger needs to keep going. Your moment of purpose.

During this holiday season, please check in and love up on your people and especially those who may be struggling to include the caregivers in your life. Someone(s) needs your love and support today and beyond.

Wishing you and your loved ones peace and joy during this holiday season and in the new year! With all of my love and gratitude.

Be blessed. Be grateful. Be safe. Be well. Enjoy. Peace. Live. Love. And as Pop would say. “Have a good day. Be safe. Don’t work too hard. Love!” Rest in peace Pop. We love and miss YOU! #BeDoLove #CareGiversMatter #CareGiver #CareGivers #FindYourZen #BirthAndLiveYourSoulFULLPurpose #BeKind #YouMatter #LiveWithPurpose #ItIsWellWithHisSoul

Resurrection & Joy Cometh NOW

Wine tasting at Barrel Oak Winery & Brewery

This is what seizing moments to luxuriate in my sweet spots looks (Swaggalicious Alert), feels, and tastes like. Where faith, grace, joy, love, peace, wanderlust, swag, and fun agree to a truce with grieving, mourning, and sometimes immense sadness. Because they don’t have to exist exclusive of each other as with them all I’m still living, breathing, and feeling. I’m grateful for it ALL as through the sometimes grueling healing process I get to discover a new, beautiful, soft, powerful, and courageous me. While the Sag in me feels deeply, she also needs to flow freely with funtastic adventure.

I’ve experienced profound changes in the past few years, where grief and my identity are experiencing a standoff. This includes caregiving for Pop until his passing. Then my mother passed. Rest In Peace to both of them. And in the midst of those deaths I had the nerve to leave my place of employment after nearly 26 years. WOAH!

On this Easter/Resurrection Day, I am reminded that resurrection is a rebirth. It’s a “New Moment! New Opportunity!” It can be a birth of a new vision, a new way of looking at things, and a new way of being. For me, it’s a., b., c… Shoot! It’s all of the above and so much more that’s yet to be revealed. I am currently a living and breathing “identity crisis.”

However, the silver lining is that there is a gift when resurrecting oneself. For me this process includes being open to breaking down the walls of loss and uncertainty through healing and exploring with excitement and wonder. The gift is getting back to the basics of love, which includes self love, while being open to the newness of life. Knowing that in all of the complexities and imperfections of living and being, that I am perfect and deserving of it ALL for Kathryn LIVES!!!

On this most high day, I am reminded about love, reinventing myself, and how it’s never too late to have what I desire. But first, I must listen and allow myself to be guided by God and my angels/ancestors to my SoulFULL purpose. So much gratitude for them all. I must believe. Remain hopeful. Keep the faith. Forgive always. Listen to and trust myself. Be purposeful, intentional, and gentle in my healing. Be courageous and disciplined to act or be still. I must pour into myself and continue resurrecting my life, heart, spirit, and soul.

So today and ALWAYS give yourself permission to resurrect and rebirth yourself. Flowing through life and experiences with confidence, grace, compassion, authenticity, openness, vulnerability, respect, a colossal sense of humor, beauty, forgiveness, sensuality, trust, honor, and LOVE!!! YOU will, in turn, attract what you truly desire and what the Universe knows that will nourish and resurrect you in your truth. TRUST and BELIEVE you WILL be resurrected to the essence of your being and beingness. Repeating, “ALL THINGS ARE ABUNDANTLY POSSIBLE AND DESERVING!” Peace be with YOU! Enjoy this Easter/Resurrection Day! Ase’!

Photos: Last week I enjoyed a staycation in Virginia Wine Country. I enjoyed my stay at the Marriott Ranch Bed & Breakfast and took to their trials on a beautiful horse named Blaze with the Blue Ridge Mountain’s breathtaking backdrop. And the fire at Barrel Oak Winery and Brewery was inviting as it was a chilly day of winery/vineyard hopping and tastings at the first stop in Delaplane, VA. Cheers! Enjoy! #BeDoLove #Swaggalicious #SwaggaliciousAlert #FindYourZen #LivingOutLoud #StartingToFeelLikeMyself #InMyHappyPlace #MySweetSpot #FindYourZen #LivingOutLoud #ColorOutsideTheLines #OffTheBeatenPath #NewMomentNewOpportunity #BirthAndLiveYourSoulFULLPurpose #Wine #WineTasting #VirginiaWineCountry #MarriottRanch #BarrelOakWinery #DelaplaneVA

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The Beauty of Light in a New Year

January 1, 2023 Sunrise

🎶When I wake up in the morning, love…🎶 Happy New Year Lovelies! This morning I awoke full of gratitude to capture this beautiful sunrise as the new year is freshly upon us. That I get to give all honor and glory to God for. To include my perfectly imperfect life.

I’m reminded and I hope you are too, that even in the midst of it all the hope of light can always overcome and outshine the darkness. To pause in those serendipitous beautiful moments and take in, exhale, be at peace, and feel an abundance of gratitude for life and love. To appreciate, acknowledge, and chill with Mother Nature if even for a brief moment. Really pausing to take notice of the beauties of this world, while taking deep healing and rejuvenating breaths that open up your heart to pumping freely with love, joy, and sweet Pop (RIP) like giggles. To show up and allow your inner child the opportunity to feed your soul and spirit. To: Believe! Breathe! Inhale! Exhale! Love! See! Feel! Heal! Love! Cry! Laugh! Voice! Listen! Connect! Engage! Forgive! Shift! Empathize! Love! Ask! Manifest! Gift! Receive! Activate! Create! Dream! Explore! Rebirth! Transform! Strive! Glide! Wake! Sleep! Nap! Relax! Rest! Laugh! Love! Pray! Meditate! Be Grateful! Be Purposeful! Luxuriate! Dance! Sing! Trust! Touch! Taste! Laugh! Love!… (Fill in the blanks.)

In this new year, be blessed. Be grateful. Be safe. Be well. Be kind. Be love. Enjoy. Peace. Live. Love. Namaste. #BeDoLove #Sunrise #SunriseZen #SunriseSunsets #FindYourZen #LivingOutLoud #ColorOutsideTheLines #LiveAndBreatheYourSoulFULLPurpose

“A Lovely Day” by Bill Withers

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Surprise Spa Day @ Atlanta’s iwi fresh

Resting after my pedicure.

Next up for the Atlanta Surprise Birthday Ambush” was a surprise spa treatment day for the birthday girl Michelle (and the birthday tribe, tee hee).

Spa tour.

iwi fresh Garden Day Spa @iwifresh “believes in the power of the feeding your skin the Truth with raw veggies from the farm.” Founded by Yolanda Owens “Yogi The Skin Care Farmer,’’ it’s been a thriving business for 17 years in Downtown Atlanta’s creative art district neighborhood, “Castleberry Hill.”

iwi means “it is what it is.” And I took that to mean, leave your baggage and cares at the door, which wasn’t difficult as we were welcomed into this oasis. The spa is lovely, cozy, and peaceful in a funky, sexy, and eclectic way. With beautiful plants and vibrantly colored wall murals and art. Rooms that can transport you to outer space. It’s not one of those drab looking spas we’re accustomed to. And the customer service is professional, attentive, and friendly. Yaya greeted us, gave the grand tour, and complimentary hand scrubs. We treated the birthday girl Michelle to a Herbal Compression Massage and a Veggie Signature Facial. Jill, Tracy, and I received deep tissue massages, pedicures, facials, and/or foot reflexology. Anthony did the massages. Gansiry did the facials and foot reflexology.

Mya (owner’s daughter) did my Signature Waterless Veggie Pedicure, which are quite different with a more sanitary process. This is without soaking the feet in the big bowl. Luxuriated with first washing my feet with water, vinegar, and tea tree oil. Applied aloe vera as a cuticle softener. Massaged lemon and baking soda for callous removal and raw brown sugar scrub that has flax seed, turmeric, and oatmeal. One of the best pedicures I’ve had and everyone else loved their services.

The finale was a fun and rhythm filled happy birthday song led by the staff. My name was sunflower.

The birthday song.
The birthday song.

Thank you to the staff to include Barbara, who I booked our services with. And to my Howard homie Caryn aka Jai who made the recommendation. Definitely a spot to treat yourself and your special someones. I can’t wait to travel back to the ATL to visit. Enjoy! #BeDoLove #FindYourZen #LivingOutLoud #ColorOutsideTheLines #BirthAndLiveYourSOULfullPurpose #ExpandYourPalate #OffTheBeatenPath #CastleberryHill #iwiFresh #ItIsWhatItIs #DaySpa #BlackOwned #WomanBlackOwned

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Breaking News – I’m For Hire

Fred and I on our last day.

Well, after nearly 26 years, today was my final day at Research Director, Inc. as I retired as a Sr. Research Consultant working with many many many radio groups and radio stations across the U.S. YEP! And, Yabba Dabba Doooooo!!!

Cause I’m “Unapologetically DOPE!”

Understand, this is a total leap of faith. While there may be fear, anxiety, and a bit of a grieving process. While I may not be clear on what the future holds. I am clear my assignment was complete and that it was time to close one door so OTHERS may open to shine the light for my divine, purposeful, and fun-filled journey. I.AM.A.MANIFESTING.OG! Ya heard?! My strong faith is intact to know God and my ancestors/spiritual guides/Gangsta angels are already conspiring on my behalf with putting career and creative opportunities and adventures in place. Give thanks!

In the ever-changing Radio industry, I have been blessed to work with the exceptional organization of RDI. I am grateful for the abundance of opportunities I’ve had to grow and thrive personally and professionally while working and serving with client-driven initiatives utilizing my analytical, creative, leadership, and customer service skills. I will miss not only my co-workers, but also many of my clients who have treated me as a member of their radio family. So thank YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU!

Life has taught us so much in the past couple of years. It can be short, and we’ve witnessed the need to live life with purpose, passion, and joy at work and in our personal lives. I’m grateful for what I’ve experienced during my time at RDI, however, the next phase of my life has been knocking. Who could guess that in 2022, I’d be having a “what-will-I-do-when-I-grow-up” moment? The persistency of purpose and the grand simplicity of this question has been difficult.

As you too may be considering life altering decisions, I encourage YOU (and ME) to listen to God and your spirit guides. Get out of their way and yours in order to hear and receive, for THEY are pulling double duty assignments and conspiring on your behalf! Opening the way and doors just for YOU! THEY are putting in the work for the/your/our greater good, which will probably not look like how you, society, your friends, your momma, your daddy, your spouse, your grandparent, auntie… think it should look. Know you ain’t crazy (well you may be but it’s all right) for thinking outside of the box. BE unordinary. Know you aren’t alone. Drown out the naysayers. It’s essential to connect with those who will cheerleader and affirm and hold space for you on your journey. But, first believe in and cheerleader and affirm YOU during your journey.

It’s a new season, y’all even in the midst of the chaos. SHOW UP FOR YOU! SAY YES! BE A SHIFT MASTER! LIVE OUT LOUD! Be blessed. Be grateful. Be courageous. Be open. Be safe. Be well. BE UNAPOLOGETICALLY DOPE! BE!!! Oh, and pray for me. Please and thank YOU! Enjoy. Peace. Live. Love. And as Pop would say. “Have a good day. Be safe. Don’t work too hard. Love!” RIP POP! I know you got me. #BeDoLove #YouHiring #CallMeTommy #INeedADrink #WhereThePartyAt #IMayNeedASponsorSoon #FindYourZen #BirthAndLiveYourSOULfullPurpose

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Marla’s Birthday Turn Up

Birthday 2022.

Today is this amazing woman and my dear friend Marla’s birthday today. And, I’m going to take a moment to give her her flowers.

Birthday 2016 @ Wine in the Woods.

Marla, I’ve always been impressed by your ability to reinvent yourself. Being able to shift to seeking new, purposeful, and fulfilling opportunities. I’m so proud and happy for you with it being countdown to your graduating the Capital Seminary & Graduate School with a degree in Christian Counseling Degree. What a major accomplishment and I’m sure not only inspiring to me but to many others. It’s beautiful how you spread the love and minister by sharing what you’ve learned and resonates with you. Thank you for being a beacon of light. You are truly God’s student and carrier of the torch passed to you. 🎶Thru devotion, blessed are the children. Praise the teacher, that brings true love to many your devotion, opens all life’s treasures and deliverance, from the fruits of evil.🎶

BeDoLovelies @ Women Who Color Outside the Lines – Women in Arts Event 2016.
BeDoLovelies @ Women Who Color Outside the Lines – Women in Arts Event 2016.

Marla, as “the magnet” you seem to have a way with friends, family, adopted children, colleagues, and oftentimes complete strangers. Your warm and trusting energy, spirit, and intelligence attract others to you who seek a shoulder to cry on, a nonjudgmental ear, and sound words of advice that you selflessly share. Your kind words and deeds provide faith, hope, and healing. And your forgiving spirit leads by example of what true and authentic love looks and feels like.


I acknowledge you for being a trusted source of love and comfort. For being an amazing mother, daughter, grandmother, cousin, niece, and steadfast friend to many. Your thoughtfulness, nurturing, and caretaking are true gifts of being present and accounted for. It meant so much to me and Pop with how you showed up for us during his final months and days. And your beautiful gift honoring his memory continues to touch my heart.

Marla, I look forward to seizing more opportunities to hang out. When time and the demands of life have no authority over our lives and we let our hair down to exhale and have fun. Especially when you oblige and trust me with new adventures that include dining and sipping even when it’s your birthday.

Birthday 2021 winery and cidery hopping in VA.


Happy Beautiful Birthday Marla! As you proceed with new chapters to include personal and professional ventures and spiritual journeys, I wish for YOU what is meant to be, with peace and joy. On this birthday and beyond, I wish for YOU the love, self-less and passionate giving, and compassion that YOU so abundantly, selflessly, and without question give to me and many many others. May it ALL and even more be reciprocated to YOU tenfold. YOU are loved now and forever more my friend. Thank YOU for being YOU! And, thank YOU for loving me. Enjoy! Cheers! Love! #BeDoLove #MyTribeMatters #GratefulForFriendshipBuiltOnLove

Hanging out April 2022.

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Love Wins – Ardella & Majette

I’m abundantly joyful for my bestie and these crazy kids who did a thing this past July 9, 2021, where I crashed the wedding after party. Happy 6th Month Wedding Anniversary to Ardella and Majette. Your partnership, teamwork, problem solving, random harmonic moments, and Swaggalicious nights out on the town are a blessing to experience and absorb. I especially adore seeing two beings who truly enjoy each other’s company with love, affection, laughter, and impeccable style.

May you have endless moments of 🎶I think of you, and it eases the pain, take away the strain.🎶 May you continue to be good to each other and be each other’s safe space to land as friends and lovers.

Wishing YOU and yours continued blessings upon blessings today and FOREVER MORE. Keep it classy. Keep it fun. Keep it loving. Enjoy! Love! #BeDoLove #LoveWins

PS: Ardella, Chardai, Dominique, and Majette (as the hype man) banging out Switch’s “I Call Your Name.” See video below. We don’t own the rights to this music.

PPS: You got to COOOORDINATE! I walked in and Ardella said “You look like a bottle of Clase Azul!” 😂 (It’s one of their favorite tequilas.) Then Bryan goes “Where’s the bottle? I don’t see the bottle.” 😂 Ring the bell (the top is like a bell) for the wedding bells! Enjoy! Cheers! #Tequila #ClaseAzul

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Naughty Divine Assignments

“Finally, I’m listening and overcoming fear.” I closed my very first BeDoLove blog (see below) seven years ago today with that simple yet bold declaration. And, it remains true as a couple of weeks ago I exercised a colossal “hint of naughty” when I finally made what will be a life-altering decision as we enter 2022. This is despite the overwhelming feeling of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. I’ll share more about that at a later date. With that, my naughty muscle had been suppressed for a bit, however, my desire is to experience its’ authentic, powerful, passion and fun filled, and purposeful rebirth in 2022. In this case “naughty” refers to my unleashed SoulFULL desires that quench my spirit and bring me orgasmic joy.

My biggest life lesson is when I’m obedient to the “soul/God whispers” the Universe will indeed conspire on my behalf. And, it is SO! Stay tuned for exciting and juicy happenings in 2022. SANGING, 🎶You ain’t seen your best days yet…🎶 https://youtu.be/6prmDAcu9zA

BeDoLove was officially birthed on this day in 2015, born out of my desire to explore life and spirituality, while inspiring others through my writing. I cannot say thank you enough to my family and friends who first encouraged me to blog and who have served as my biggest cheerleaders through the evolution of BeDoLove.

I knew the blog would open the door to so much more. Since its beginnings, I’ve posted 223 blogs. We’ve hiked and vision board. Created an apparel line. Traveled. Dined. Became a moderator. Co-hosted an FM dial radio show. Organized financial workshops and caregiver support events. Fast forward to the end of 2020 when the LLC was born. And, two of my greatest joys was birthing the 2016 “Women Who Color Outside the Lines” event and officiating my besties wedding in 2021. “Imposter syndrome” be damned.

In honor of BeDoLove’s anniversary, I thought it fitting to share my first blog below. I hope the message still resonates with you as it does with me. Wishing you naughty blessings upon blessings and beautiful BeDoLove moments in the new year and beyond. Happy New Year! Be blessed. Be faithful. Be grateful. Be grace. Be safe. Be well. Live. Love. Namaste. Enjoy. Peace. BeDoLove! As Pop would say. “Have a good day. Be safe. Don’t work too hard. Love!”#BeDoLove #FindYourZen #LivingOutLoud #LiveAndBreatheYourSoulFULLPurpose #SweetSpot #ColorOutsideTheLines #NewMomentNewOpportunity


BeDoLove Introduction Blog Posted January 1, 2015

“You must be willing to let go of the life we planned… so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” -Joseph Campbell

Who are you? What do you love? What is your “life’s purpose”? What are you passionate about? What is sacred to you?


Hey there loves! I’m finally here, present, and accounted for. Who am I? Well, I’ve been described as an “emancipated woman”, “paradox”, and “the DC Zagat Princess”. Sure, these descriptions paint a nice picture of who I am, but I continue to question myself often with the five questions I started off with. I know there is so much more that my soul is guiding me to in order to be a contribution and an extraordinary being if only I would just listen, allow myself to be guided by my soul, and then act accordingly.

Telling myself or better yet listening for the truth hasn’t always been easy. But, the cool thing is I’ve never ceased to stop having a thirst to learn, regardless of the hard lessons and truths learned about myself and life. Because at the end of the day for me it ALWAYS comes back to “what is my life’s purpose?”. I decided it’s to “Be” all that I can be by being a gift and inspiration to myself and the world. Just “Be” with no fear, no worry of judgement or how it looks. “Do” and create all that I can possibly “Do” in order to experience complete joy and peace so that I give others permission to “Do” the same. And, “Love”, “Love”, “Love”! “Love” is the ultimate common denominator of life. Without unconditional love (I’m still a work in progress in this area) for self, others, and life overall you will continue to experience a difficult and oftentimes unfulfilled journey. The opposite of “Love” is “Fear”. Well, it’s time to choose. And, I’m choosing “Love” because it has already chosen me.


One way I’ve FINALLY decided to BeDoLove and live my “life’s purpose” is to create this blog. My quiet dream (I have many) has been my writing. It is one of my greatest gifts of expression that I am grateful for and one that many loved ones (including my soul and soulmates) have told me time and time again that they enjoy and have said “You should start a blog” or “You should write a book”.


I am an open and adventurous lover of life and now with this blog, I truly get to be consistent with writing (I might need an accountability partner from time to time) and share my inner spiritual thoughts (maybe some poetry too) with you and balance it out with delicious food experiences, adventure, and fun.

People are amazing. And, this world we live in is truly amazing. I believe that you can have “falling in love” moments with life over and over and over again when we are open to experiencing it through living out our dreams and desires. One of my favorite quotes is “When was the last time you did something for the first time.”

Life won’t be totally perfect, but we can have many perfect experiences. I haven’t always followed my true path, but it’s never too late to turn it around and truly dance to the amazing thumping beat of my own rhythmically flowing and freeing drum. We only have this life to live. I invite you to subscribe to my blog and follow me (and invite others) on this journey with the hope of me breathing life into my ever expanding thoughts and inevitably inspiring you to do the same. Let’s go BeDoLove! ONWARD!!! KCB


This blog is dedicated to my dear friend and spiritual guide Ron “MF” Davis, who transitioned on to another space and time. It’s also dedicated to my beautiful friend Margo Owens, who too transitioned on. They were (and continue to be as my angels) two of my biggest cheerleaders in life and allowed me to be and who both I know would love this blog (I invite them to stop through). This is also dedicated to each and every one of you who have said to me “You should start a blog!” Finally, I’m listening and overcoming fear. Thank you all for not giving up on me. Thank you Mother, Father, God, The Universe!

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The Relevant Teachings of “The Twilight Zone” As We Move Into 2018 (2022)


REPOST: This is a repost from December 31, 2017. But, still relevant as I’m watching the SyFy marathon and we move into 2022.


I’m believing more and more that God sent our angel of truth Rod Serling as a profound messenger of our doom if we don’t get our moral compasses in check. That we as human beings indeed aren’t the only ones residing in this Universe. And, we will be conquered as we’ve already been conquering each other. I am convinced Serling was channeled through to deliver important messages and crystal ball moments of art imitating life. Talk about being obedient to one’s soul induced calling. Thank you Serling for being present to your gifts and being unafraid of being diagnosed with a huge case of the weirdos. Thank you for being a muse for me and all writers with inspiring to live, breathe, and bring to life the imagination of our SoulFULL Purpose.


I live each year for “The Twilight Zone” marathons, usually falling around New Years Eve (now on SyFy until Tuesday morning) and the 4th of July. The Definitive Collection is on my wish list (hint hint), especially since I hear the episodes airing on television are not all in their entirety due to making room for those pesky commercials. Sure the psychological thrillers are quite bizarre, quirky, and frightening yet entertaining, which makes the beauty of these touched by an amazingness collection of unexpected twists works of arts. However, there are two lessons of life, this series that came about in the ’60s teaches us even as we go into 2018. 1. Many of the episodes focus on a moral code. This based on how to treat people. How to respect and love one another. 2. That we better get our heads right as our world continues to experience catastrophic shifts in its structure and existence.


The serendipitous beauty is when I awaken with joy during the marathon at the uncovering of an episode I’ve yet to see. I woke this morning with my first episode being a new one for me. It was “A Piano in the House”. It’s about a sadistic and hated theater critic Fitzgerald Fortune, who buys a player piano that has the power to reveal the souls and innermost thoughts of all who hear it. He spoke profoundly about the “hidden faces” we all have. I also call it when we send “our representative” out. This is by hiding the vulnerabilities of our true character for fear of being anything but in control and in power. As it was revealed that Fitzgerald married his wife not for love, but to bully and humiliate her. Finding out later that he feared and envied people as he operated from the hurt little boy of his past. A painful and hurtful way that many operate not only damaging self, but also the spirits of those we claim we love. Another new one I just saw is “The Mirror”. It’s about a leader who’s a tyrant. Yeah! Reality as we live and breathe today.


Rod Serling is a genius with his creation and writing of the majority of the series. And, being easy on the eyes, with his almost clenched mouth narrative delivery is purposeful and perfect. He was a young 50 years old when he transitioned in 1975. To think he was 35-40 years of age when he was the writer and narrator for “The Twilight Zone”. It is noted that “Serling was active in politics, both on and off the screen, and helped form television industry standards. He was known as the “angry young man” of Hollywood, clashing with television executives and sponsors over a wide range of issues, including censorship, racism, and war.” –Wikipedia. Check out this cool Serling Interview. http://youtu.be/q8sT6nz7VUM

Two other profound episodes I love and can also be seen on Hulu or YouTube:

“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” In 2009, Time named it one of the 10 best Twilight Zone episodes. It showed how easily, when in a panic, we can turn on each other rather than support and ban together. The aliens saw this and created paranoia and panic by turning off the electricity, and concluded that the easiest way to conquer the planet is to let the people become their own worst enemies as they turned on each other. They also discussed the fact that the Earth is “full of Maple Streets” and the aliens plan to move from one to the next creating havoc and destruction.

“The Midnight Sun” is how the Earth falls off its orbit and starts moving closer to the sun. In Serling’s opening narration he says “And all of man’s little devices to stir up the air are now no longer luxuries – they happen to be pitiful and panicky keys to survival.” Ending with the closing narrative of “The poles of fear, the extremes of how the Earth might conceivably be doomed. Minor exercise in the care and feeding of a nightmare, respectfully submitted by all the thermometer-watchers in the Twilight Zone.” In this episode, there is no more nighttime, people are fleeing NYC to Canada, and it’s the hottest day EVER! And, while seemingly all a dream, later in the episode the earth has changed its orbit and now there is no more sun, it’s snowing, people are fleeing to Miami and they are pending a freeze-out. HELLO!!! GLOBAL WARMING!!! HELLO!!! You see the similarities. This was also captured in the episode “Third From the Sun”. Imagine seeing both of these doomed filled episodes back to back. Even Serling was in touch with the Earth’s pending doom if we don’t heed the signs. Floodings, earthquakes, tsunamis, ice melting in the coldest corners of the earth, losing track of our seasons. Global warming is real.


Mood shift! What’s so cool to see is celebrities (we’ve known and loved, young, handsome, and beautiful). Although I always feel for William Shatner when he’s being terrorized by the pug-nosed monster on the wing of the plane on “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”. He really should have taken that sedative. And, when “Talky Tina” went gangsta and pushed Telly Savalas down the stairs… DAYUM Kojak! Other actors like Burt Reynolds, Robert Duvall, and Robert Redford looking like he was no more than 20.


Yet, even with all 156 (Serling wrote 92 of them.) episodes which were created from 1959-1964, (Real talk alert.) I’m reminded that Black representation is extremely rare. And, on the rare occasion when a Black actor pops up on the screen, it’s an “OOOHHH! AAAHHH!” treat. Although I read that Rod Serling was a champion for diversity and wanted to include Black actors more. But not surprising that the network powers that be at CBS would control Mr. Serling in this regard. “I Am the Night-Color Me Black” is about one morning where a man is about to hang for the killing of one of his bigoted neighbors. And, the townspeople find themselves thrown into an unending night.

Well, whether you’re a fan or not of TZ, my prayer is that as we move into 2018 we can all LIVE coming from a space of who we truly are and not from what we want others to see or perceive ourselves to be. Succumbing and LIVING our truths and purpose. Operating with love, compassion, and respect. Understanding that the healing of past wounds is important to reviving a loving and exuberant spirit. This all includes me with being courageous and risking in living a transparent, authentic, and loving life. With the importance of cultivating safe spaces for a pure and wonderful existence, whether with those I create for myself and others to BE! DO! LOVE! Wishing you all and me peace, clarity, love, and joy in 2018 and beyond. Namaste! ONWARD! #BeDoLove #FindYourZen #BirthAndLiveYourSOULfullPurpose #HealingEqualsFreedom #SuperSoulSunday #SupportTheArts #TheTwilightZone


Chat About Black Actors in TZ – http://twilightzonewor.fr.yuku.com/topic/3793/Black-Folks-On-TZs

A Piano in the House – https://youtu.be/NBEza8h2qm8

“The Mirror” – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mirror_(The_Twilight_Zone)

Full Episode – https://youtu.be/OxRpfV9oKXQ

“Living Doll” about Talky Tina – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_Doll_(The_Twilight_Zone)

Full Episode – https://youtu.be/YMf7D6tl5Y0

“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monsters_Are_Due_on_Maple_Street

Full Episode – http://youtu.be/jlHSD6uo7Mk

“The Midnight Sun” – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Midnight_Sun

Full Episode – http://youtu.be/BetX2wfnRJs

“Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightmare_at_20,000_Feet

Full Episode – https://youtu.be/LYVqMVXd1ak

“I Am the Night-Color Me Black” – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_the_Night—Color_Me_Black

Full Episode: https://youtu.be/W93Y9s9Wz-Y

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