“Who TF Did I Marry” 🤯 – The Lesson

If you don’t already know, “Who TF Did I Marry” — is a detailed chronological account of Teresa McCoy’s marriage to and subsequent split from a man whose entire life, it appears, is a lie. Episodes Intro-32. Episodes 33-50/Finale. A good recap article.

Anybody who knows me knows I love two types of reality shows, relationship based (i.e., Showtime’s Couples Therapy) and competition (i.e., Amazing Race, Survivor, MTV’s The Challenge). There’s always much to learn from them with seeing people working on healing and growing and pushing themselves beyond their perceived limits, and then they are entertaining. And I love the art of good backstory storytelling of documentaries. This was like binging an actual reality show series or even a documentary. I only wished she’d had a deal with one of the big streaming services. She deserves the bag. Just when you think there couldn’t possibly be anything else there is so much more till the very end. With everything that went on I thought for sure it was going to end with her telling us he died from whatever illness he had. Her storytelling (the cliffhangers) is perfection in terms of how she recounted everything with already knowing the outcome. I hope she can truly get some peace after the release. Her sense of humor will continue be her saving grace.

I don’t have TikTok so I watched on YouTube. What happened when she came on in Part 44 when she says I know, I saw it but I’m going to continue? Were there comments or something? UPDATE: It’s when she found out the Internet Detectives found her ex-husband.

The faking the phone calls E.VERY.DAY… The lying about the grandmother and daughter dying from Covid with the emotional breakdown… And lying about the baby to “the aunt,” I think is what took me out.

Different family members said he started lying as a child. I want to know what happened to start him down this path.

The gut punch and the lesson in all this is when she said God gave her all of the signs to include when the TIRE BLEW OUT! HELLO!!! Let that sink in. There’s always a first warning sign that we overlook. My thoughts are God will whisper and whisper and whisper till at some point the unfortunate and massively painful situation will happen to get your attention. Oh you’re not listening, so now… I call it “The Thunder.” I’ve been in relationships where I ignored the red flags and subsequently experienced “The Thunder.” And this is why there is absolutely no judgment on my part. This is between herself, God, and her therapist to process and deal with how she got there, stayed as long as she did, and for it to never happen again. This is what we all should do. I have in many many many different layers over many decades. I owed it to myself (and still do) to get to the bottom of my repeating the unhealthy patterns and sometimes that doesn’t happen overnight. I also realized that when I allow the ego to think I can control or change someone or something that is out of my hands and not my ministry it inevitably leads to self-betrayal, which is the worst form of heartbreak. And what matters and is necessary through healing and getting to “the root” of it all is to build back up ones own self-love, self-respect, confidence, trust (self and others), and peace of mind.

On another note, if BMW hasn’t gifted her that pretty dark blue with cognac interior X5 I don’t know what they are waiting for. She is deserving of luxuriating in that vehicle and so much more including a London/Paris trip. Shoot, with the number of times she mentioned that SUV, I want one now.

When a series of traumatizing events occur (or even if that’s not the case) one may begin to feel that they are not deserving of the beautiful desires of their heart. Don’t go there! She, he, me, they, we, YOU, are deserving of luxuriating in all the beautiful and wonderful and loving things in this world. It’s what grace, faith, hope, dreaming, believing, redemption, resurrection, and forgiveness are all about. Don’t let anyone tell you different. God bless her, me, and YOU! Amen! #BeDoLove #WhoTFDidIMarry #BMW

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