The Beauty of Light in a New Year

January 1, 2023 Sunrise

🎶When I wake up in the morning, love…🎶 Happy New Year Lovelies! This morning I awoke full of gratitude to capture this beautiful sunrise as the new year is freshly upon us. That I get to give all honor and glory to God for. To include my perfectly imperfect life.

I’m reminded and I hope you are too, that even in the midst of it all the hope of light can always overcome and outshine the darkness. To pause in those serendipitous beautiful moments and take in, exhale, be at peace, and feel an abundance of gratitude for life and love. To appreciate, acknowledge, and chill with Mother Nature if even for a brief moment. Really pausing to take notice of the beauties of this world, while taking deep healing and rejuvenating breaths that open up your heart to pumping freely with love, joy, and sweet Pop (RIP) like giggles. To show up and allow your inner child the opportunity to feed your soul and spirit. To: Believe! Breathe! Inhale! Exhale! Love! See! Feel! Heal! Love! Cry! Laugh! Voice! Listen! Connect! Engage! Forgive! Shift! Empathize! Love! Ask! Manifest! Gift! Receive! Activate! Create! Dream! Explore! Rebirth! Transform! Strive! Glide! Wake! Sleep! Nap! Relax! Rest! Laugh! Love! Pray! Meditate! Be Grateful! Be Purposeful! Luxuriate! Dance! Sing! Trust! Touch! Taste! Laugh! Love!… (Fill in the blanks.)

In this new year, be blessed. Be grateful. Be safe. Be well. Be kind. Be love. Enjoy. Peace. Live. Love. Namaste. #BeDoLove #Sunrise #SunriseZen #SunriseSunsets #FindYourZen #LivingOutLoud #ColorOutsideTheLines #LiveAndBreatheYourSoulFULLPurpose

“A Lovely Day” by Bill Withers

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